Home > Blog > May 13, 2012 – American Avocet in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

May 13, 2012
American Avocet in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

American Avocet
American Avocet
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4 & 1.4x III, 1/1000 sec, f8, ISO 200
Image taken on May 12, 2012.
Day three in Yellowstone National Park still wasn't good for bear photography. I've seen a bunch, including a Grizzly Bear sow nursing a yearling cub, but none have been in a good location to photograph them. Instead, I've been focusing on what has been in a good location to photograph, and the group of six American Avocet right at the edge of a dead calm Yellowstone Lake fit the bill. They were mostly bunched up with a lot of unattractive merging, but occasionally one would move out and let me take a great portrait.

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May 14, 2012, 12:22 PM
by Gordon
Super cool!

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