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March 7, 2011
Zebra in Kruger National Park, South Africa

Chapman's Zebra Snickering
Chapman's Zebra Snickering
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4 & 1.4x III, 1/500 sec, f8, ISO 400
Image taken on March 7, 2011.
On our sixth full day in Kruger National Park, South Africa, we moved from the Letaba Rest Camp to the Satara Rest Camp. Along the way, we stopped to photograph some Chapman's zebra, the type of plains zebra found in South Africa. I noticed that one of them was "snickering," and I was able to capture my favorite image of the day.

Shortly before reaching the Satara Rest Camp, I discovered that we had a flat tire. Because you're not supposed to get out of your vehicle except at designated spots, and because we had driven by some lions a few kilometers (a couple of miles) back down the road, I was inclined to keep driving until we reached Satara which was only about 4 km (2.5 mi) away. However, the tire was completely flat, so we decided to change it. Jan kept an eye out for the lions as I changed the tire. I was quite surprised that no other vehicles went by until I was almost done with the whole operation. I was also quite happy that no unwanted animals came by before I was done either!

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March 21, 2011, 3:11 PM
by Gordon
Really lipping you off!

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