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January 10, 2017
Sunrise Over Alpine Wildflowers, San Juan National Forest, Colorado, USA

Sunrise Over Alpine Wildflowers
Sunrise Over Alpine Wildflowers
San Juan National Forest, Colorado, USA
Canon EOS 1D X Mk II; 17 TS; 1/2, 1/6, 1/15, 1/45, & 1/125 sec; f19; ISO 100
Image taken on July 25, 2016.
It was fairly calm on this morning back in July when I photographed this group of wildflowers as the run rose over the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The dominant flowers are Rosy Paintbrush (aka Split-Leaf Indian Paintbrush or Spliteaf Indian Paintbrush, Castilleja rhexifolia), Alpine Avens (aka Ross's Avens, Acomastylis rossii turbinata), and Elephant Heads (aka Little Red Elephants, Pedicularis groenlandica). Enjoy!

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