June 3, 2015 Red Foxes In Fog, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Red Foxes In Fog
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D X, 600 f4 II, 1/250 sec, f4, ISO 2000
Image taken on June 2, 2015.
It was foggy yesterday morning at the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes or Vulpes fulva) den in Yellowstone National Park. I like fog for some kinds of images because it adds a sense of depth, but I wasn't too happy with the fog at the den because it was quite thick which created two problems. First, it was rather dark so I had to use a high ISO and still had a slow shutter speed. Second, all of that water between the lens and the subject reduced contrast. However, when the vixen took one of the kits up to the top of the boulder near their den, I loved the setting and the roughly eye-level perspective.