November 1, 2012 Pool At Dawn in Zion National Park, Utah
Pool At Dawn
Zion National Park, Utah, USA
Canon EOS 1D X, 24 TS II, 30 sec, f11, ISO 100
Image taken on October 31, 2012.
I kept going back to the pools in Zion National Park to get different compositions at various prime lighting conditions. This image was made before sunrise and the warm light on the hill is from direct and reflected light from the near-full moon shortly before it set. I processed a single RAW file four times (-1/3, 0, +1/2, and +1 EV) and combined them by hand in Photoshop. The Canon EOS 1D X RAW files are great for such push and pull processing and reduce the number of times that separate exposures are required to capture the tonal range of a scene. By push and/or pull processing, you don't have to worry about something moving in the scene between exposures.