Home > Blog > January 13, 2013 – Red Fox and Elk Calf in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

January 13, 2013
Red Fox and Elk Calf in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Red Fox
Red Fox
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4, 1/500 sec, f8, ISO 400
Image taken on January 12, 2013.
On my way out to photograph yesterday afternoon in Grand Teton National Park, I spotted a Red Fox in the parking lot where I'm camped. I quickly grabbed my camera and got ready to photograph it. The fox was really friendly and kept coming closer to me. When I got up to move back so I could shoot it with my long lens, the fox would move back a bit as I was moving then start approaching me again as soon as I was safely behind the camera. Fortunately, on one of the fox's close approaches, it turned its head so its nose, eye, and ear were almost in the same plane.
Elk Calf
Elk Calf
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4, 1/1000 sec, f6.7, ISO 400
Image taken on January 13, 2013.
This morning, I spotted this elk calf atop a small rise backlit against a distant hill in shadow — bingo.

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