Home > Blog > July 7, 2011 – Pointed Mariposa Lily in Glacier National Park, Montana, and the Shoot RS-300 RS-80N3 Wireless Remote

July 7, 2011
Pointed Mariposa Lily in Glacier National Park, Montana, and the Shoot RS-300 RS-80N3 Wireless Remote

Pointed Mariposa Lily
Pointed Mariposa Lily
Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
Canon EOS 1Ds Mk III, 180 Macro, 1/45 sec, f4, ISO 100
Image taken on July 6, 2011.
The wind finally calmed down enough yesterday in Glacier National Park so that we could photograph wildflowers. We went out in the morning and in the evening, and my favorite image is of a Pointed Mariposa Lily.

Shoot RS-300 RS-80N3 Wireless Remote

I used my new Shoot RS-300 RS-80N3 Wireless Remote for the first time while photographing the wildflowers yesterday, and I really like it. I had gotten tired of wrapping the cord of my Canon Remote Switch RS-80N3, a wired cable release, around the lens to keep the switch out of the wet foliage and then unwrapping it to take an image or to put on an extension tube. The Shoot RS-300 RS-80N3 Wireless Remote has a receiver that mounts on the camera's hot shoe and has a short cable, complete with a locking mechanism on the plug, that plugs into the remote switch socket and stays out of the way. It also has a small transmitter that I can put in my pocket, and the system is supposed to have a 300m (325 yd) operating distance. It's really convenient to use because I no longer have to keep track of the long cable and dangling switch housing of the Canon Remote Switch RS-80N3. Plus, it's dirt cheap ($12 from Amazon) compared to the simple wired release from Canon (about $45). As a word of warning, the manual is completely in Chinese, but the basic operation of the device is self-explanatory.

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