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May 26, 2011
Dusky Grouse in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yeah — a fresh image!

We reached Yellowstone National Park two days ago and scouted in the rain. Yesterday the rain stopped and we started photographing: bison with babies, a trumpeter swan, and a grizzly sow with two yearling cubs. The grizzlies were at a good distance and were foraging in a good setting, but I think the large snow bank between us and them created too much turbulence and all of the images were softer than I would have liked.
Male Dusky Grouse Displaying
Male Dusky Grouse Displaying
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500 f4 & 1.4x III, 1/500 sec, f8, ISO 250
Image taken on May 25, 2011.
My favorite image of the day is of a male dusky grouse displaying. We rounded a corner and saw lots of cars pulled off on the shoulder and then we saw lots of photographers with long lenses set up and photographing something. We couldn't locate the subject they were photographing, but because so many photographers were set up, we figured it must have been good. We found a place to park and when we got out we heard someone say that all of the commotion was for a grouse — hmmm. We set up and headed over to where the other photographers were and it turned out to be a male dusky grouse displaying on an awesome perch! I was really glad we stopped and then set up to photograph "just a grouse."

This particular blog entry is www.jameshagerphoto.com/blog/?date=2011-05-26. Visit www.jameshagerphoto.com/blog to view the latest blog entry.


May 26, 2011, 5:16 PM
by Gordon
Not everyone has a good understanding of things, that's for sure!
Good shot of 'just a Grouse'!
May 26, 2011, 6:11 PM
by James Hager
That's right Gordon. I'm always suspicious when someone who isn't a photographer tells me about a great subject to photograph, and in this case the corollary was true.

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